Session: Fall 2022Credit 3Days: MON WED*Hours: 18:30:00-21:30:00

Topics will be announced when offered.

Session: Fall 2022Credit 3Days: MON WED*Hours: 18:30:00-21:30:00

Topics will be announced when offered.

Session: Fall 2022Credit 1Days: THURSHours: 16:00:00-17:10:00

In daily life, the lungs are usually not operated properly, and they are not used at full capacity. The alveoli in the lungs that do not work properly contract and degenerate. During insufficient breathing, only the middle sections of the lungs operate, and as a result, the body and brain do not get sufficient oxygen. Oxygen starvation may also make the individual nervous, anxious, stressed, and edgy, it may cause exhaustion in the body, and it may weaken the body’s immunity against diseases. By studying breathing techniques, we can learn to use our lungs fully and increase their capacity as well. The respiratory system is the door to the purification of the body, the brain, and the mind. The key to this door is “Pranayama,” in other words, breathing techniques. Through breathing techniques, the respiratory system is operated optimally. This practice makes it possible for the respiratory organs to be in motion consciously, rhythmically, and intensely, and to expand. The art of breathing, which is known as “Pranayama” in Sanskrit, is the conscious extension of inhalation, holding the breath, and exhalation. With Pranayama, the duration of inhalation and exhalation is extended, and fewer breaths occur over the time frame. The positive effects of slowing down the inhalation and exhalation on human health are enormous. The body receives more oxygen, the pulse slows down, digestion improves, and all tensions are eliminated, making the individual better focused, calmer, and more energetic. Our breathing style determines the energy vibrations that affect all life. Breathing techniques are crucial for understanding, perceiving, and controlling the energy process in the body. Pranayama makes it is possible to control our entire organism by becoming aware of the nature of the breath, and by controlling and adjusting inhalation and exhalation. When we are angry, our breathing is fast and irregular, but when we are comfortable, our breathing is calm. Our nervous and mental state is reflected in the breathing. Through correct breathing, the nervous system and mind are better controlled, and thus nervous and mental tensions are eliminated. Everyone dreams of being a peaceful and happy person who manages difficult situations in a controlled way, who easily copes with stress, a person with a healthy body and calm mind, who is highly aware and can use all their potential. All that needs to be done for this is making breathing techniques an integral part of life. Breathing techniques make an invaluable contribution not only to school life but also to after-school life of the student. Regular practice achieves health in the physical body and calmness in the mind as a whole, thus it makes it possible to increase the quality of life of the student. Through breathing techniques, the most correct and natural breathing is experienced and learned. This not only increases lung capacity but also improves emotional and mental control. Breathing techniques render the mind constant, strengthen the will, and develop decision-making abilities. These breathing techniques applied in the course will make respiration more effective by manipulating the speed, depth, and quality. Conscious, deeper, and quality breathing means better and healthier lives.

DOS 117 / YOGA
Session: Fall 2022Credit 1Days: TUESHours: 16:00:00-17:10:00

Yoga course has been arranged to promote students’ physical health, mental discipline and spiritual wellbeing as a whole.The word «Yoga» is used to refer to the «Original Yoga System». The course follows the “Original Yoga System”. In other words, all stages of Yoga, consisting of eight limbs, are applied during the course by staying true to the original Sanskrit Yoga texts. Only when practiced in its original form can yoga develop and create positive effects on the entire human organism. > Yoga is not only a theoretical discipline, but also a practical one. The course objective is to demonstrate the positive and holistic effect of yoga on physical health, mental control and spiritual peace within a practice-based structure, and thereby ensure that students adopt this life style during and after their university studies. > Yoga is an extremely effective personal development tool for increasing self-awareness, strengthening focus, elevating self-confidence, and developing emotional control. > In addition to poses and bodily control called Asana in Sanskrit, breath control, energy control, concentration and meditation stages will be practiced during the course, and the student will embark on an inner journey from the body towards the mind, from the mind towards the intellect and from the intellect towards the essence.

DOS 119 / BALLET(Beginner)
Session: Fall 2022Credit 1Days: MONHours: 14:30:00-15:40:00

Training in the basic skills of ballet technique. Practice of ballet positions and fundamental ballet exercises, accompanied by classical music. Floor, barre and center exercises. Development of posture, coordination, control, alignment, flexibility, balance, muscle strength, musicality, sense of rhythm and of aesthetics.

DOS 119 / BALLET(Beginner)
Session: Fall 2022Credit 1Days: MONHours: 16:00:00-17:10:00

Training in the basic skills of ballet technique. Practice of ballet positions and fundamental ballet exercises, accompanied by classical music. Floor, barre and center exercises. Development of posture, coordination, control, alignment, flexibility, balance, muscle strength, musicality, sense of rhythm and of aesthetics.

Session: Fall 2022Credit 1Days: MONHours: 16:00:00-17:10:00

To develop the ability to focus for an aim and struggle to reach that aim; to establish and develop logical,fictional and critical thinking abilities; to establish and develop imagination and innovative thinking abilities,and to develop decision making skills among many options; to establish the culture of accepting the results after a wrong decision; to establish the responsibility of independent,self-decision making and executing that decision; to develop skills to project ,forecast and foresee the results after a taken decision; to increase self-motivation; to develop the best decision making abilities and to establish and develop optimization culture; to internalize winning and losing concepts and to explore in which conditions winning situations occur and which conditions cause losses; to develop thinking,searching,exploring and decision making abilities; to teach to be patient , to increase planning and analysis capabilities; to reveal and develop this potential.

Session: Fall 2022Credit 1Days: MONHours: 14:30:00-15:40:00

The main objective of this course is to improve the ability to approach a specific goal, to set a goal, and to develop the ability to struggle to achieve the goal in the field of Chess. To gain logical, imaginary , critical thinking skills and decision-making skills. To endure the results of a given decision. to make decisions on their own and to give them the responsibility to implement this decision. To be able to predict the outcome of decisions, and to gain ability to predict results. To increase intrinsic motivation. improve the best decision making ability. to improve the optimization skills. To learn the concepts of winning and losing. To be able to inquire under which conditions you can be successful, and for what reason you will lose. To develop critical thinking, analyzing and decision making skills. Deeply concentration skills and to be patient are other important skills should be developed. To increase planning ability and analysis ability. To raise the potentials about a possible chess skill. Unlike the beginner level, the following topics will be processed in the middle level: General Culture Information about Chess, Double Attack strategies, Introduction to Pin, Discovered attacks, Removing Defenses and Deflection, Beam (x-ray) Theme and Back Rank Weakness, Open line, Intermediate Movement, Blockage and Zugzwang, Mixed Test for Tactical Concepts, checkmate in two moves, Development of Central pieces and Security of the King, Planning Initiatives, Location and Function of pieces, Variant Calculation and Future Thinking Exercises, Thematic Match Analysis

Session: Fall 2022Credit 1Days: MONHours: 16:00:00-17:10:00

This course is offered for the students who are already reached a certain level of cultural experience, where they can improve their artistic character and will be assisted to comprehend the techniques and composure structure of art. Since the students will learn plenty of painting techniques and eventually grow their aesthetics, they will be able to present their artistic abilities. One can present painting series and become a collector, join art fairs or make a revolutionary change in art itself.

Session: Fall 2022Credit 1Days: TUESHours: 16:00:00-17:10:00

This course is offered for the students who are already reached a certain level of cultural experience, where they can improve their artistic character and will be assisted to comprehend the techniques and composure structure of art. Since the students will learn plenty of painting techniques and eventually grow their aesthetics, they will be able to present their artistic abilities. One can present painting series and become a collector, join art fairs or make a revolutionary change in art itself.

Session: Fall 2022Credit 1Days: WEDHours: 16:00:00-17:10:00

This course is offered for the students who are already reached a certain level of cultural experience, where they can improve their artistic character and will be assisted to comprehend the techniques and composure structure of art. Since the students will learn plenty of painting techniques and eventually grow their aesthetics, they will be able to present their artistic abilities. One can present painting series and become a collector, join art fairs or make a revolutionary change in art itself.

Session: Fall 2022Credit 1Days: THURSHours: 16:00:00-17:10:00

The ability to transfer creativity to visuality is the art culture structure that will develop on the philosophy of art that forms the basis of plastic arts through memory. At the same time, the students question their own work and create aesthetic awareness. In addition to developing multidimensional thinking, perceiving and designing knowledge and skills required to produce an original work, students will also have the ability to embody interdisciplinary interaction and sensory perception.

Session: Fall 2022Credit 1Days: WEDHours: 14:30:00-15:40:00

This course aims to provide the student with the correct understanding of the terms that will be used in evaluating the works of art, especially the ability to read the work of art. They will begin to examine the sociological, cultural and ontological structure of art in more detail, and will grasp the material and expression of their concerns. Students will also prepare projects in parallel with their own development and gain the ability to apply their own themes.

Session: Fall 2022Credit 3Days: MONHours: 11:30:00-14:10:00

Brief history of interface design in human-computer interaction from solid user interfaces to wearable interfaces. The stages of interface design and planing the process. Methods used in interface design and its testing. Elements of user interface (UI) design, look & feel, layout, information architecture, navigation, dialogue, patterns, guidelines and standards. Case studies from different fields: command line interfaces, graphical user interfaces, object oriented user interfaces, tangible, wearable, gestural interfaces. User interface design in the future.

Session: Fall 2022Credit 3Days: WEDHours: 11:30:00-14:10:00

Introduction of re-reading method in design and practices. Overview of methods in design, specifying parameters to select and examine the objects, selection of objects, object analysis, reinterpretation, discussions about the challenges.

Session: Fall 2022Credit 1Hours: 0:00:00-0:00:00

This two day course describes fundamental principles of evidence based medicine in an interactive manner. Critical appraisal of research articles is carried out.

Session: Fall 2022Credit 3Days: MON WEDHours: 11:30:00-12:40:00Prerequisites: INTL. 203 or consent of the instructor

Main approaches to various institutions and actors that make up the field of international political economy. Question of who gets what at a global level from a multi-actored, multi-level and mul-disciplinary perspective. Interactions between states, markets, firms, NGOs, and not-for-profit organizations at the local, national, regional, and supranational levels. Global trade, production, finance, and knowledge structures and relations in the context of international organizations, transnational corporations, global financial structures, regional integrations, North-South relations, discourses and practices of development, and problems of global poverty.

Session: Fall 2022Credit 3Days: TUES THURSHours: 10:00:00-11:10:00Prerequisites: ECON. 202 or consent of the instructor

Introduction to the role of the state and other political actors in Turkish economic development from a comparative and global political economy perspective; key policy phases and institutional transformations; the role of multilateral institutions ; the politics of economic crises and reforms; regional integration and external economic relations of the Turkish economy; the political economy of trade and capital flows; poverty, inequality, labor market dynamics and social policy: gender and environmental dimensions of Turkish development.

Session: Fall 2022Credit 3Days: MON WEDHours: 11:30:00-12:40:00

Economic reasoning; basic concepts and processes in microeconomics and macroeconomics; identification and discussion of current economic issues covered in popular economics publications. The students who completed ECON 101, 102 can not earn credits from ECON 100.

Session: Fall 2022Credit 3Days: MON WEDHours: 10:00:00-11:10:00

Economic reasoning; basic concepts and processes in microeconomics and macroeconomics; identification and discussion of current economic issues covered in popular economics publications. The students who completed ECON 101, 102 can not earn credits from ECON 100.

Session: Fall 2022Credit 3Days: TUES THURSHours: 10:00:00-11:10:00

Economic reasoning; basic concepts and processes in microeconomics and macroeconomics; identification and discussion of current economic issues covered in popular economics publications. The students who completed ECON 101, 102 can not earn credits from ECON 100.

Session: Fall 2022Credit 3Days: TUES THURSHours: 8:30:00-9:40:00

Human behavior and rationality; introduction to the principles of individual decision making in the presence of resource constraints; functioning of the market economy: demand, supply, and equilibrium; price mechanism and the allocation of resources; economic efficiency, types of market competition, and government intervention.

Session: Fall 2022Credit 3Days: TUES THURSHours: 14:30:00-15:40:00

Human behavior and rationality; introduction to the principles of individual decision making in the presence of resource constraints; functioning of the market economy: demand, supply, and equilibrium; price mechanism and the allocation of resources; economic efficiency, types of market competition, and government intervention.

Session: Fall 2022Credit 3Days: TUES THURSHours: 13:00:00-14:10:00

Human behavior and rationality; introduction to the principles of individual decision making in the presence of resource constraints; functioning of the market economy: demand, supply, and equilibrium; price mechanism and the allocation of resources; economic efficiency, types of market competition, and government intervention.