Study Abroad Fair and Staff Week 2018

December 14, 2020

Koc University is organizing an International Staff Training Week from 07 May to  11. During this week, the participants from different institutions will get a general overview of Koc University and our international engagements in addition to participating in the European Project Management and Erasmus+ blended trainings. The trainings will be conducted by the senior staff at KU and experts from the Turkish National Agency and Turkish Higher Education Council (YÖK).

Program of Koç University International Staff Week


Study Abroad Fair 

On Friday, 11 May, we’ll have a Study Abroad Fair as part of the program for participating institutions to promote their institutions and countries for KU students. KU has more than 250 partnerships from 55 different countries, and we are committed to provide diverse exchange opportunities for KU students and staff in addition to multicultural environment at home.

During the Study Abroad Fair students will be able to not only meet with the representatives of the partner institution but also representatives from Counsulates and institutions like Campus France, DAAD, Austrade and more.

Incoming exchange students at KU will represent their culture and their home universities.

Students who are interested in participating in exchange programs can;

  • Plan their exchange period by consulting to OIP representatives
  • Ask their questions to partner institutions and Consulate representatives
  • Meet with the incoming students to learn more about their home country