Office of International Programs will organize an International Staff Week between titled “Tech savvy generation vs. Traditional approaches to internationalization: Innovative tools for the International Office”between 4-8 May, 2020.
During this week, the participants from different institutions will get general overview of Koç University, participating universities and how institutions create a welcoming climate for both students and staff from all backgrounds with thoughtful cross-cultural experiences.
While participants enjoy a week long thought-provoking discussions and sessions with colleagues from all around the world, they will also enjoy cultural beauties of Istanbul and Türkiye. As part of the program, participants will also present their institutions to Koç University students during a day-long Study Abroad Fair.
You may see the detailed schedule here.
We invite our partners to join us during this week. For any questions, you may e-mail
Led by the Office of International Programs (OIP), the Fair is your chance to see which program is right for you, ask your questions to partner university representatives and explore a world of options.
Koç University has one of the largest Global & Exchange programs in Türkiye with around 300+ partner universities around the world. Exchange Program gives you the opportunity to spend a semester overseas at one of our partner universities and receive credit towards your KU degree.
The Study Abroad Fair is open to all KU students who are interested in going on exchange. At the fair you will have the opportunity to:
Whether you are trying to decide on a study abroad program or just exploring, the Study Abroad Fair is your chance to get information from dozens of programs and universities that offer international opportunities. We suggest walking through the fair, speak to former participants and learn more about exchange opportunities and options that spark your interest!
Outgoing Exchange Advisors will also be available to speak with you about what you need to know before studying abroad.
The most important way to prepare is to mark your calendar! The only way to participate is to be there.
Here are some tips for getting the most out of your Study Abroad Fair Experience:
Identify Your Study Abroad Goals
Formulate a Plan
Make Contact
Stay in Touch